
Step by Step Process on Registering your Food Kiosk Business in the Philippines

 Step by Step Process on Registering your Food Kiosk Business in the Philippines

Step 1: Go to any DTI office or apply online to register your business name.

Requirement:  Any valid ID

Fee: P500 (Municipal level)

Processing time:  1 hour


Step 2: Go to City/Municipal hall to get business permit (includes barangay permit).


DTI certificate

Lease contract (if renting) or tax declaration (if you own the place)

Photo of your business location

2×2 ID picture

Fee: P4,000 (approx.)

Processing time: 2-3 hours (but issuance of business permit is 1 week)


Step 3: Go to Office of the Treasurer for BMBE* Application


DTI certificate

Business Permit

Fee: P1,000

Processing time: 30 minutes

The LGU shall issue the Certificate of Authority and effective for a period of two (2) years, renewable for a period of two (2) years for every renewal.


Step 4: Go to BIR office to get TIN/Certificate.

Food Cart Requirements:

DTI certificate

Mayor’s Permit

Lease Contract (if renting) or tax declaration (if you own the place)

Fee: P500

Processing time: 1-2 hours


*BMBE or Barangay Micro-Business Enterprise (BMBE) Act of 2002 (RA 9178)  is engaged in production, processing or manufacturing of products as well as trading and services with a total assets of not more than 3 million. Some of the benefits are exemption from taxes and fees, and exemption from the coverage of minimum wage law.


**As per DoF Department Order No. 3105 – Simplifying the documentation requirement for registration of BMBEs with asset of P300,000 or less – dated December 16, 2005


Source: http://foodcartlink.com/business-registration-steps/

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