
Traffic Signs Philippines and Street Signs Philippines


Traffic Signs and Street Signs

Call it road signs, street signs, or traffic signs, the main goal of these signs are to provide instructions and information to drivers and road users. Basically, it’s for the safety and proper flow of traffic in the highway. They may be placed above roads or on the sides in order to ensure that people easily see them whenever they are on the road. Before, signs are made of stones and wooden milestones, but with the advancement of technology nowadays, modern sign boards are made to prevent road accidents and manage traffic flow every time people are using the highway.

Regulatory road signs
warning road signs
warning road signs
information road signs
information road signs

Growing Importance of Traffic Signs Philippines

With the increase in traffic volumes in the Philippines, gantry and photoluminiscent street signs were now used. The standardized sign boards are essential in overcoming language barriers as well as in enhancing traffic safety. For instance, pictorial signs contain certain symbols like silhouettes with a few words to make sure people quickly understand them. This is especially required by international protocols to ensure everyone is safe on the road no matter the nationality.


However, there are categories to be familiar of. Not all Filipinos know this, but that is why traffic signs are made simpler to help them recognize the symbols easily. The categories include danger warning signs, priority signs, prohibitory signs, mandatory signs, special regulation signs, service signs, indication signs, additional panels, and many others. For guide signs, these include street name signs, welcome signs, freeway signs, expressway signs, route marker signs, and informational signs.

Also, in the Philippines, advance directional sign boards help road users in taking precautions when entering or exiting an intersection or switching lanes. However, these signs are normally seen on motorways and expressways where more vehicles use the highway in order to provide direction or information for drivers. And with the development of vehicles in the Philippines, more complex traffic sign systems are used instead of text-based signage boards.

Benefits of Street Signs Philippines

The street signs developed in the Philippines are more important than ever. This is due to the growing number of road users every year. In addition, the need to provide safety measures and guides to drivers increasingly becomes a main concern to the Philippine government. Hence, reliable signage makers in the country are needed to ensure high quality street signs nationwide.

Road markings and traffic signs actually serve as silent speakers in the highway. They help road users when navigating the road until their desired location is reached. However, all road users need to understand each sign and marking placed on the highway. Below are some of the important guidelines to keep in mind when using the road:

  • Various street signs are seen along the highway. They mainly provide advance information regarding the direction that drivers are going through. These road markings are also important in giving warning, orders or guidance to riders.
  • Road traffic signs are basically created to inform riders and road users of the rules and regulations they need to follow including special obligations, restrictions, and prohibitions. And violating any of the mandatory signs could bring a person to a certain legal offence.
  • Another category to consider is the cautionary signs. Filipino road users always need to be vigilant in the traffic rules in order to avoid accidents and other mishaps on the road due to reckless driving. Cautionary signs will warn drivers of any hazardous element present on the road such as slippery road and accident prone areas.
  • Informatory signs are created to properly guide riders along routes while informing them about the distance between destinations. In addition, it helps recognize points of historical and geographical interest along with details of a safer, more pleasant, and easier travel for road users.

Standard Color Scheme of Traffic Signs

Red – it means stop, but is also used in yield signs, wrong way signs, do not enter signs, multi-way supplemental signs, and in other regulatory symbols.

Fluorescent pink – incident management sign boards used this color in the background to provide better milestones to riders.

Coral – this color is unassigned, but is reserved for future use.

Orange – this is the background color of temporary signs to control traffic flow.

Yellow – school signs and warning signs mainly use yellow as their background color except for temporary signs.

Fluorescent yellow green – bicycle, pedestrian, and school warning signage use this color as background.

Green – parking signs, permissive regulation signs, information and guide signs use this color.

Light blue – another unassigned color that is reserved for future use.

Blue – this is the background color used in emergency evacuation routes, traveler service information signs, and other route markers on the road.

Purple – this color is again reserved for future use.

Brown – information and guide signage use brown as background color as well as other signs that are associated with cultural and recreational points.

Black – this is the background color of one way signs, truck regulatory signage, night speed limit, and other signs with fluorescent pink, orange, yellow, white, and yellow green background colors.

White – regulatory signs use white in the background as well as signs with brown, black, blue, green, and red background colors.

Philippines’ Signage Maker Choice

The standard traffic signs used in the Philippines are fully detailed in the Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual. The Department of Public Works and Highways is the government body that regulates traffic nationwide. Most waning sign boards show black symbols on white background in a red bordered equilateral triangle. However, there are added panels to help supplement meanings so that road users easily understand them.

Instruction signs in the country are text-based signs mainly created for supplementing regulatory and warning signs. But with the advancement of signage making services in the Philippines, motorists now enjoy photoluminiscent signs as well as gantry signs Philippines. With the help of reputable service providers when it comes to producing high quality signage and markers, everyone is safe to use and navigate the roads across the country. Hence, it’s important to find a well experienced signage maker in order to take advantage of high-performance traffic signs and other road markers that last longer.

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